Tag Archives: tall headboads

Tall Headboards

Have you noticed a sort of a trend lately? Tall headboards are quite popular these days and they work great in a grown-up’s bedroom and even a kid’s room. The variety of colors and patterns is impressive and these headboards can make for a dramatic change in a room. Enough adding to a neutral bedroom a bright red (or any other) colored headboard and here you go, you end-up with a stylish, modern bedroom that doesn’t look overwhelmed with colors, but still colorful – you got the point, right? That’s about headboards, but what about tall headboards? I’m confused a bit. On one hand they’re modern and kind of royal, but on the other hand I really don’t know if I’d go with a tall headboard in my own bedroom. Don’t get me wrong, I love how tall headboards look on pictures and other bedrooms, but I’m not sure I’m in love with them. Here’s some inspiration:


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